Welcome to the account deletion request page. If you wish to delete your Balansero account, please follow the instructions below. Note that deleting your account is permanent and cannot be undone. This service is provided by Servalit, the developer of Balansero.
Prepare an email
Open your email client and create a new email.
Address the email to: support.balansero@servalit.com
Subject line
Use the subject line: Account Deletion Request
Email body
Include the following information in the body of the email:
Full Name: [Your Full Name]
Username: [Your Balansero Username]
Registered Email Address: [Your Email Address]
Reason for Deletion: [Brief Reason for Deletion]
Confirmation: Add the statement: "I confirm that I want to delete my Balansero account permanently and
understand that this action cannot be undone."
Send the email
After filling out the necessary information, send the email to our support team.
If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team at support.balansero@servalit.com.